Dear SBISD Families,

October marks National Bullying Prevention Month and in Spring Branch ISD, bullying is something we take very seriously.

Bullying is not an acceptable behavior. Bullying is unwanted, harassing behavior, by words or actions, and is committed by people with low self-esteem. Bullying others makes the bully feel good about themselves, but this is a false feeling. It is done in person or online through social media and is a repeated behavior or has the potential to be repeated. The intent is to hurt, harass or humiliate someone else. Those that bully can face both academic and/or legal consequences.

Please take some time to review the information below with your children.

If your child is being bullied at school, guide them to:

  • Tell someone you trust.
  • Keep a record of what is happening.
  • Do not retaliate.
  • Surround themselves with friends.
  • Not blame themselves.
  • Be proud of who they are.

If your child is being bullied online, they should:

  • Not respond or retaliate.
  • Save the evidence.
  • Tell someone.
  • Report and block the person.
  • Be proud of who they are.

Be sure to remind your child that the problem is with the person doing the bullying, not with them.

Reporting bullying can help us ensure our schools are safe, positive places where students can thrive and learn. Please emphasize to your children the importance of our “See Something - Say Something” protocol. Report any bullying to a campus staff member or administrator or use the Anonymous Reporting link prominent on every campus website to share a concern.

The safety and security of our students is everyone’s responsibility and will always be our highest priority.


D. Bruce Dareing
SBISD Chief of Police

Inspiring minds. Shaping lives.
Spring Branch Independent School District