Dear SBISD Families,

Yesterday, the SBISD Police received information from a parent regarding a safety incident that occurred off campus about which we wanted to make our community aware. We also take this opportunity to share important safety reminders to review as a family.

Yesterday afternoon, several students returned to their elementary campus to play on the playground after coming home from school. On their way back home, they were approached by an African American male driving an old model white Corvette. The driver asked them to get in his car, and when the students ran away quickly, the car followed them. Thankfully, the students were unharmed, and we are proud of them for knowing not to get in a car with a stranger.

The incident occurred in the 13000 block of Myrtlea.

Here are important safety reminders to review with your children:

  • Students should remain aware of their surroundings at all times. Cell phones can be a distraction!
  • Students should not speak to strangers or approach unknown vehicles.
  • Students should avoid walking to or from school alone, whenever possible. 
  • Parents/guardians should know where their children are before and after the school day.
  • Parents/guardians should be on time for pick up from school and from after-school programs so students are not left alone waiting outside of the school building.
  • Students should not be left alone at bus stops, whenever possible.

The SBISD Police Department is here to serve our school community and can be reached at 713.984.9805.

We thank our students, staff, families and community members for always following our See Something-Say Something protocol and reporting any situation of concern.

Safety is everyone’s business! Thank you for joining with us as our partners as we keep the safety, security and well-being of our students as our highest priority.

Thank you,

Larry J. Baimbridge
Chief of Police
Spring Branch ISD Police

Spring Branch Independent School District
Inspiring minds. Shaping lives.